Hydraulic hose woes--again

Wallace White wallace at stanfordalumni.org
Wed Feb 28 07:18:09 EST 2001

David Conner wrote:
> I tried to find a place that would rebuild hoses for me.  The one shop I
> could find here in Columbus that advertised doing this type of work, said
> they couldn't do this type of hose ... when I walked in and showed them the
> hose.  I ended up buying a new hose from TPC ... a new OEM rack to pump
> hose for $70 in 1999, for my '89 200.

I did order a new one, $95 from Carlsen. TPC is out of them,
unfortunately. Oh well.

Mike, sorry to hear that you've had this happen too. The pick-n-pull
approach has its merits but at this point, I just want to be done with
this hose forever. (Forever being at least five years, that is.)

'87 5kcstq 170k

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