San Jose Junkyard Report

Wallace White wallace at
Wed Feb 28 07:26:20 EST 2001

Thanks, Brendan! I've been to the Milpitas Pick Your Part. They have a
second location in Hayward that's much larger and had more Audis when I
was there. I will try the one of Berryessa.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 170k

Brendan Maguire wrote:
> I hit 4 junkyards yesterday (Milpitas Pick Your Part, N. San Jose & S. San
> Jose Pick N' Pull, and Bay City Auto Wreckers).  The Pick N' Pull on
> Commercial Street (off Berryessa) had the most Audi's.  Plenty of 5k's (like
> usual), 3-4 4k's, and 2 Coupes (81-83 I believe).  Don't waste your time at
> the other two.  Bay City Auto Wreckers on S. 7th street has a 1990 quattro
> wagon that needs a new engine, a new front end, and some TLC. They also have
> an 80 in decent shape. Have fun!
> Brendan Maguire
> 1985 Coupe GT (slowly coming together)
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