Hydraulic hose woes--again

Motor Sport Visions Photography msvphoto at pacbell.net
Wed Feb 28 12:11:22 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/28/2001 Wallace White <wallace at stanfordalumni.org>

<< Say, did your pump take any damage from running dry when the hose
I'm hoping mine is still okay... >> 

I have had several occasions where I ran very low on pentosin. The first
was when a banjo bolt on the pump loosened up and I was in Monterey some
45 miles from home. The next time was when I had hoses made up by the
hose shop in the first place. Looked like the PS pressure hose. Took it
into them for rebuilding, got it back, installed it, fired up the
car...steady stream of green gold still spewing out the bottom of the
car :( Turns out it was the bomb's pressure hose at fault. Hose shop
fixed me up by doing the bomb hose late in the afternoon while my wife
and I waited by taking a walk at nearby Natural Bridges State Beach. The
next time was when the PS pressure hose failed.

No ill effects noted in the pump. My pump and rack were replaced by the
PO of the car at ~125k miles and I am at 181k miles now. The pump has
recently developed a minor seeping leak but green gold consumption is
well within reasonable still.

I would have gone for a new hose from TPC at the time but being the time
of year and the desperate need I opted for the pick-n-pull PS hose as a
temporary measure. So far "temporary" has been a little over a year now

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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