Exterior trim 89 90q

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Wed Feb 28 19:07:10 EST 2001

Quoting Huw Powell <audi at mediaone.net>:
> > Hmmmmmmm..so, where's the difference coming from?
> a few things I suppose.  "humanspeakers Audi" seems to get a slightly
> better deal than retail over at Dover Auto World, our friendly Audi
> dealer (I should!  I've spent thousands there on parts by now!). 
> Retail
> on those front door pieces is $44.30 U.S. according to my receipt. 
> Then
> there the Canadian $ ratio, making it worse.  Maybe you guys also have
> a
> different pricing schedule (unfair!), and also your dealer might be
> gouging you (come on - that *never* happens!)
> The front door ones were the only ones I priced/bought.
> Are you pals with a local repair shop?  They might be able to get the
> "nice price" for you...

Well,  actually for the next two days I still work at an audi dealer...Monday I 
start at Greenbelt Volkswagen (where I'll get a VERY nice deal).  But I figured 
we should compare apples to apples...so I've listed the retail prices.


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