warning light?

C1J1Miller at aol.com C1J1Miller at aol.com
Mon Jan 1 12:14:26 EST 2001

> I've noticed lately during hard cornering that the red
> temperature warning/coolant level sensor will light up
> momentarily. Has anyone else experienced this/know the
> cure? Coolant is kinda dirty although the level is
> o.k.

::Coolant system hasn't been bled properly.  Park the car with the front
::slightly raised, take out the screws holding the expansion tank, loosen
::the radiator bleed bolt if fitted, lift the expansion tank and fill
::with the engine running.
:: Phil Payne

I'd say the real issue is that your coolant is slightly low, and on 
cornering, the warning goes off (coolant dirty: time to do a flush/fill??).  
Add a cup of 50:50 water/coolant and I'll bet you're all set and the light 
won't flash on hard cornering.


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