5k tq battery drain / bad mileage

Wallace White wallacewhite at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 2 07:48:54 EST 2001

Jim -

> i'm hoping that a big tune up will  find a few mpg. but i'm happy (?) to
> hear that your mileage doesnt vary all that much (ymdvatm - new email
> acronym?)

To be sort of precise, my spreadsheet says that 3 mpg is the standard
deviation. What's interesting is the standard deviation of the trip
computer's average mileage is less: 2. Maybe it's just chance, or maybe
it's because my calculated mileage assumes that the tank is equally full
at every fill-up.

> meanwhile, ill keep hunting for the alarm controller. i wish there was an
> easy way to determine if, in fact, it exists in the car and not just the
> bentley.

I think the VIN plate at the driver's door mentions it, FWIW.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 167k

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