URQ brake master cylinder rebuild
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jan 2 16:04:42 EST 2001
Any of the vendors on the Audifans parts suppliers
list http://www.audifans.com/parts.html that deal with brake parts
probably could get you one. You may have some problem with getting a
vendor to ship to France, though. E-mail all those who list an e-mail
address and then go from that point.
At 08:25 PM 01/02/2001 +0100, Laurent POUTOT wrote:
>Mike and other listers,
>Do you know where I could order a M/C for my '85 200tq, for such a price
>(here in France, they ask something like $300 !) ?
>Thank you.
>'85 200tq in the garage because no brakes and no money enough to change
>the M/C.
>Mike Del Tergo wrote:
>>>Are there any special things to watch for, other than releasing the bomb
>>>pressure by pumping the pedal till hard, when rebuilding the brake MC on
>>>an URQ?The tandem system is foreign to me, and I will be attacking it tonight,
>>for the $80 or so for a new M/C I really wouldn't bother with the
>>mess,time and vagaries of a rebuild. Which ever way you go, just be sure
>>to fill the M/C before you try and bleed the system.
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