Momo gearshift knob coincidence and Ice Racing in WI

William Elliott wcelliot at
Tue Jan 2 19:12:09 EST 2001

I don't recall this ever having been discussed before...

The gearshift knob on my '85 UrQ is finally worn out... the leather
cover simply came apart.  I noticed that Blau was offering reproductin
knobs for $30 or so, but they've been on backorder forever.

I had an old Momo anatomic black leather knob kicking around (I picked
it up for a good price even though I really hate screw-set knobs... they
tend to come loose at the most inopportune times!)

I finally decided to mount it as a temporary measure. When I tried to
unscrew my OEM knob, I got a surprise... the knob came off leaving the
plastic inner sheath which actually screws on the shifter.  I used a
pair of pliars to turn it off... and then got another surprise:

The inner sheath was a nice _tight_ fit in the Momo knob... in fact I
had to drive it in. I snugged up just a bit on the allen screws (mostly
so the base cover would fit over) and... presto: a screw-on Momo knob!

The only downside is it sits about an inch taller than the factory
knob... I don't really like that, but it's not a big deal.  Maybe now's
the time for the short-shift kit! Figured I'd pass along the hint for
others needing a knob.

Also: planning to take the UrQ ice-racing this Sunday in WI.    Any other area listers going? Russ?

Bill Elliott
Lake Barrington, IL

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