4kq exhaust (2B, Stebro, or Scorpion)

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Wed Jan 3 13:14:34 EST 2001

DONT go with the scorpion... its overpriced and TAP's track record is NOT
good with customer service.... Stebro has gotten alot of good
recommendations here on the list and I will be getting my exhaust for my
5ktq from them once my income tax comes in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Sherrick [mailto:amsk at lehigh.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 1:06 PM
To: Quattro List
Subject: 4kq exhaust (2B, Stebro, or Scorpion)

My 4kq is up for inspection this month, and I have my doubts about the
exhaust passing inspection.  If it doesn't, I guess my Bilstein/Eibach
suspension is out the window in favor of a new exhaust system.  I plan to do
a turbo conversion hopefully within the next 2 years.  With that in mind,
will any of these exhaust systems work with both my current engine and also
with a 5kt engine? The 2B exhaust looks like it might make the turbo
conversion process easier since it's made for that, but I don't know if it
will work with my 4kq engine (see link below).  Stebro vs. Scorpion?  Any
other exhausts to consider?  Thanks!


2B exhaust link: http://www.2bennett.com/body_exhaust.html

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