V8 Tires, and Local Listers

C1J1Miller at aol.com C1J1Miller at aol.com
Wed Jan 3 13:48:34 EST 2001

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at mestek.com writes:
     1.  I know this has been covered before, but on my 1990 V8 Quattro,
can I fit 255/45-16, or 255/40-17 tires on the rear?  I'd like to put
255's on the rear, and 235's on the front.  Tire Rack recommends going
no larger then 235's all around, but I know Audi put 245's all around in
Europe.  I'd like to go with a deep dish wheel, and like the European
look of wider rear wheels.  I know it's not necessary for traction.  I
can't even chirp my 215's now.  I know I'd have to get the right offset,
I was just wondering if the width would fit.  The diameter is only
122047244" deviation.
255/40r17's fit on the 200q20v, with slightly less flared fenders.  If you 
make it to southern NH, you can try one of mine for fit.  Fit will also 
strongly depend on offset, etc. as well as fitting over the UFOs up front, if 
so equipped.

     2.  I was wondering if there were any local listers I don't know
yet.  I'm in south western MA, and I see tons of A4's and S4's, but I've
been noticing quite a few 200's lately.  Anyway, just thought I'd ask.


BTW, if anyone wants my tire sizing chart, I have it in Excel 2000, and
can get it in Excel '97 as well.  Just e-mail me, and I can send you a
copy.  I'd love to post it to the lists, but I know I'd get reamed for
sending attachments.

Theron J. Bliss
1990 V8 Quattro>>
I like this online comparison/calculator for tire size:

HTH< Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller at aol.com
'91 200q20v ==> http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/

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