All Season Tire Recommendation

Dan Masi dan_masi at
Wed Jan 3 14:26:40 EST 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Rodgers [mailto:brodgers at]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 2:05 PM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: All Season Tire Recommendation
> (tried the archive, but didn't come up with anything definitive)
> Can anyone recommend a 'good' all season tire for a friend of mine?
> The car is a 1996 VW GTI with 185/60/14.
> The car is driven all year round, including through some 
> pretty deep snow
> we're having(40cm+ so far).

Then I'd say without a doubt, Nokian NRW-H.  While often mentioned
in the same breath as "high-performance" snow tires such as Dunlop
M2 and Pirelli 210/240, these are actually all-season tires that happen
to have serious snow handling capability.  If you're really looking
for a compromise to span that wide a gap (and I don't believe in
them, either), I'd say it's your best bet.  Check out

Dan Masi

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