Doorhandle needed!

joel nevin joelnevin at
Thu Jan 11 05:48:28 EST 2001

Go to you local hardware store and ask them for a
Helicoil set you will need to get the next bolt size
up from the original stripped one. 
What you do is drill out the old stripped threads,
re-tap the new hole and screw in a Helicoil, which is
basically a spring, then you have new hole(larger
size) with threads!! Voila, not sure how much the set
cost but definately under $110. I've done this plenty
of times on stripped out derailleur hangers on mtn
bikes and works great.

--- Per Lindgren <lindgre at> wrote:
> My brother screwed up bigtime and is now in need of
> a door handle for
> his 96 Passat. A new handle costs about $110 and too
> expensive, in his
> opinion.
> What happened: My brother was removing the
> doorhandles and lock
> mechanisms to lube them, they were frosted and
> stuck. The screw on the
> right front handle was stuck bigtime, so he gave it
> a real good twist
> with a 1/4" ratchet wrench and the correct
> cross-head bit. Of course it
> came loose, but the problem now is that the little
> screw was a left
> thread! So naturally the threads in the handle had
> to go instead of the
> threads on the screw.
> If anyone knows of a crashed 95-97 Passat or similar
> and can get the
> doorhandle pretty cheap, my brother would be very
> happy. The handle has
> to be from a car with central locking, they are a
> bit different vs. the
> ones without power locks. Also the older 88-94 and
> newer 97-up Passats
> have different handles.
> If anyone has any leads, contact me
> (mailto:lindgre at or my
> brother Geir (mailto:ghli at
> Thanks a million,
> PerL

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