A nifty package from Audi

John Agustoni john.agustoni at home.com
Thu Jan 11 22:08:13 EST 2001

I got the same package and I only bought a 2001 A4 1.8tq.  So I would guess
that everyone is getting it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt twentyV" <matt_20v at yahoo.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: January 11, 2001 16:26
Subject: RE: A nifty package from Audi

> >I just received a cool package from Audi.  It came in
> >a 11"x11"x2.5"
> >silver box, containing a "Welcome to the Audi family"
> >parchment sheet,
> >a beautiful hardbound and boxed book "Sharing a
> >singular vision"
> >I wonder if all new Audi owners now get this?  Or is
> >the S4 somehow a
> >more "elite" model?

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