Air metering valve - MC-2

Joshua Van Tol josh at
Fri Jan 12 17:15:06 EST 2001

>Put it on a duty cycle meter and I BET that it runs lean when it "stumbles"
>or "feels week in the upper RPM" I described it as hitting a brick wall. Not
>a whole lot of fun.

Did you experience this yourself? What was the solution?

Also, I forgot to mention in my original query that I've replaced the 
fuel pump, and injectors in the last year. The fuel filter is due for 
replacement again, but it's not over yet.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joshua Van Tol" <josh at>
>To: <quattro at>
>Cc: "audi list" <quattro at>
>Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:05 PM
>Subject: Re: Air metering valve - MC-2
>>  At 3:54 AM -0800 1/11/01, james accordino wrote:
>>  >--- at,
>>  >quk at wrote:
>>  >>  One of the many outstanding jobs on Puff the Magic
>>  >>  Wagon is the
>>  >>  replacement of the fuel metering head.  I've had the
>>  >>  typical symptoms
>>  >  > of upper O-ring failure for some time.
>>  >>
>>  >
>>  >What are they?
>>  I'm wondering this as well, as I'm suffering some symptoms that seem
>>  to be metering head related on my 1987 5kcstq.
>>  Symptoms are: Occasional miss at idle (maybe not related to the other
>>  problem), and (seemingly) a miss at >3000 rpm under higher throttle
>>  settings. Sometimes it pulls beautifully from idle to 6500, and
>>  sometimes it hits a wall at 3000-4000. Other times it's less severe,
>>  manifesting itself as a weakness in the upper rpm range. The miss
>>  isn't like a bad plug wire, where you have a regular sharp kind of
>  > vibration, but rather a sort of random misfire.
>  > --
>  > Joshua Van Tol -- josh at
>  >
>  >

Joshua Van Tol -- josh at

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