5kcstq vs A4 30v

auditude at neta.com auditude at neta.com
Thu Jan 11 22:51:03 EST 2001

I guess it was a 30v.  It was a new A4 with red turn signals, looked 
to be new and clean.  No quattro badge.  I was in my stock '88 
5kcstq.  There weren't any other cars around us.

We were at a red light.  The A4 driver had just "boned out" (took 
off?) from the last red light, indicating an enthusiastic driving style.

I looked at the driver, trying to indicate I wanted to compare 
acceleration times.  I reved my engine, but I don't think he or 
anyone could hear it.  He never looked, but must've known.  The 
light turned green and I started to take off, but I held back because 
wasn't sure if he would bite.

He started to take off, and it became apparent that he was trying to 
go fast.  I punched it and let the rest of the clutch slip out.  I 
shiftted at redline at second and third.  He was moving away from 
me at a moderate pace.  I gave it all I had, but his car was faster.  I 
haven't ridden in any chipped 5kt's, but the smallest difference 
would have put me even.  I'm sure my car would be faster than this 
A4 was.

I have a friend with a Jetta vr6 that's chipped and has some other 
stuff done.  Based on our cars against each other, he said I was 
faster than a stock turbo A4.  This would make sense if the 30v 
puts out more than the 1.8t.  My friends Jetta pretty much spanks 
my 5kcstq and many others.  Of course I am talking about drag-
type racing, 0-60 kind of performance.  I know it's a nearly useless 
kind of contest.  It would only come in handy if you were trying to 
outrun a tidal wave or something. :-)  

Well, either that or just trying to get a decent distance ahead of the 
car next to you because you need to be in that lane.

Do any chipped 5kt owners live near me in the Phoenix area that 
could take me for a ride?



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