Help?? Its dark and cold and the windows stuck!!
rob hod
rob3 at
Sun Jan 14 20:38:35 EST 2001
Thanks everyone for such speedy help. I'm now thawing out with the
offending window closed. I attacked the door switch and armed with the
multimeter finally made sense of the cicuit diagram ( am I the only one who
can make hardly any sense at all of their representations of switches/relays
etc?). The motor turns out to be polarity reversible . It seems the feeds to
the door takes the form of 3 wires, one constant positive supply and two
from the switch on the console that are both 'earth' until the console
switch is used in which case either one becomes +ve according to whether the
console switch was pressed 'up' or 'down'. The door switch by default
connects these two rails to the motor supply. When the door switch is used
it uses the constant postive supply and one of the negative 'supplies'
according to whether 'up' or 'down' was pressed. I discovered that one of
the 'earths' has gone open cicuit, meaning a break in the connection to the
console switch or a problem with the console switch. However once I
understood the workings I just jumpered the remaining earth and the fixed
positive supply to the motor connections and bingo - one shut window. Next
time I fin dmyself in daylight and not at work I'll get started on the
By the way if the colour wiring codes in the manual were to be believed
it would tell me I was working on the offside rear door and not the
nearside. Not the first time that they've totally disagreed with whats on
the car.
Anyway, once again thanks for everyones help, panic over.
----- Original Message -----
From: Doyt W. Echelberger <Doyt at>
To: rob hod <rob3 at>
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: Help?? Its dark and cold and the windows stuck!!
> When my driver window did the same thing, my mechanic swapped in a proven
> working window switch from another location, and it brought the window
> up. Another test he ran it was to take off the door panel and use an
> auxiliary power supply to provide current to move the window back up
> (proving the motor and mechanical unit is good).
> So you have some options. Try a switch from a working window and see if it
> is the switch that is causing the malfunction. If that doesn't work, take
> off the door panel and use an aux power supply to run the window back up
> until you can find the broken wire and fix it.
> Doyt
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> At 06:16 PM 1/14/01 +0000, you wrote:
> > Sods Law, Its cold and dark and on the way home the rear left
> >gets stuck part way down.
> >
> > Can anyone help with a bit of diagnostics?
> >
> > The window will go further down but not back up.
> >
> > Both the console switches and door switches will move it down but
> >up.
> >
> > Could it just be a fault with the door switch that is preventing the
> >console switch working in the up position?
> >
> > Does the motor get a reversed polarity supply to move it up?
> >
> > Any help much appreciated, i'm off into the dark with a multimeter
> >screwdriver set.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >rob
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