UrQ water temp

RndLiteBMW at aol.com RndLiteBMW at aol.com
Sun Jan 14 22:58:21 EST 2001

I finally installed my Autometer guages last night, and my water temp is 210F 
degrees at idle.  I checked it at the reservoir with the temp probe on my 
Fluke meter and it's consistent with the guage.  I know UrQs run hot, but is 
that normal?  The guage only goes to 250, so I may have to get one with a 
higher range before any track use.  One more thing, regarding the auxiliary 
radiator- should I huck it?  I recall some talk of lower temperatures in it's 
absence, so I'm considering it.  I'll have pics of the car online soon for 
anyone interested.

'83 UrQ

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