Q-lister May Need Help (Lake Tahoe area)

urquattro urquattro at phoenixdsl.com
Sun Jan 14 21:10:04 EST 2001

I got a phone call from Alex Lee earlier this evening.  He said that he
drove his '87 5kCSQ up to Lake Tahoe to do some skiing and now the car will
not start.  It sounds as though the fuel pump or the fuel pump relay is the
prime suspect in his mind right now.  He'll be checking the relay and pump
and pulling codes tomorrow morning ... but if this doesn't do the trick he
may be calling again.  I thought I'd post this to see if perhaps there was a
lister in the area (I don't know if he is at the north or south end of the
lake) who might have MLK Day off and be willing top lend a hand.  If so,
please send an e-mail to my work address (Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com)
with your phone number, and if need be I will hook the two of you up ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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