URQ vs. Coupe GT

Kwattro at aol.com Kwattro at aol.com
Mon Jan 15 09:41:00 EST 2001

In a message dated 01/15/2001 7:05:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk writes:

<< The exhaust is different. >>

I thought that he was being funny - the 4000 2wd shares very few components 
with a 4000Q - in fact, I believe that the only really similar component is 
the front suspension, which is installed, of course, backwards in the rear.  
Aside from that, just about everything, save the body and some of the 
dashboard, is different.  I had this problem with TAP when I ordered "racing" 
compound brake pads - they sent me 4000 FWD pads, apparently unaware (or so 
they claimed) that there was any differences between the Coupe GT and 4000FWD 
models.  Sort of like saying that the Ur-Q and the Coupe Quattro are the same 
car, I would suppose.....


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