colour coded rear springs, pt. no.s?

Graham Thackrah ggthack at
Mon Jan 15 15:42:22 EST 2001

Hi List,

Anyone know which of the following are correct for a UK 1985 90 quattro without
ABS? The dealer pretends that the only way to find out is by the paint marks on
the springs... after 131k miles who are they kidding? At least it looks like
they cost a bit less than they used to, only 70 odd gbp a corner rather than
the 110 they used to be!

857 511 115c (white yellow)
857 115 115d (green violet)
853 511 115c (green yellow, for use with cars with engine protection grille,
if I read the microfiche correctly, upside down, as non of our fiche readers
take jumbo fiches... grr, but I don't think it's for a 90q as the model
designation part of the number is different to all the other parts too)

I reckon one of the two 857 codes are for ABS equipped cars and the other
without, anyone know which is which, or which colour code goes with which

Would the pt no for an earlier UK model 80 quattro work, as non of them had ABS
even as an option, my 80 quattro fiche is at home though?



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