SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at
Mon Jan 15 20:49:03 EST 2001

Well that is how Audi Driver magasine describes their 'special limited
edition issue' in April. Dont blame me if it isn't.
This bigger than normal issue will sell for 5 GBP or 4 GBP if pre ordered
and will include..

Comprehensive history and development

Original road tests and features and road tests from the 80's

Features on owners

Problems affecting the Ur (are there enough pages to list them all?)

Second hand buyers guide 

Features on Audi specialists

I'm just quoting from an ad in Jan/Feb issue of Audi driver this mag may
be worth considering if you ar a Ur fan or owner past, present or future.
My personal view is that Audi driver is a quality magasine. Please coment
if you think otherwise to avoid others wasteing their money.
The people to contact are..

Autometrix publications
uk+ (0)1525 750500  fax (0)1525 750700

mail at  web site

Best wishes

Simon Holtby

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