Climate control has another function?

Andrew Lundy fast928 at
Mon Jan 15 18:41:54 EST 2001


That's how you check the function of your climate control!!  The first read
out is any trouble codes (00 means no trouble codes found).  Then there are
22 channels which (most) carry useful info.   They relate info like equiv..
resistance values for inside/outside temps and coolant temps.    One channel
is a speed sensor (NOT in mph/kph)...possibly the channel you we're on!!

One channel (11) will tell you the alternator voltage output.  A good check
if you're having battery problems and don't have the "extra gauges"!!

90 80q
91 90
95 90q

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Suryadarma" <msuryadarma at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Climate control has another function?

> Hi everyone,
> I have an 89 Audi 100 with the climate control. Yesterday it was blinking
> an error code, so I pressed the "Outside Temp" button with the "Off"
> button together. But then I forgot what I should press, so I pressed some
> buttons (don't remember what).
> So the climate control ends up looking like this. The "Off" is lit, but
> there are numbers on the display. And the numbers increase as I accelerate
> (as high as 70s) and decrease as I decelerate. The number is 00 when I'm
> stopped. What does that number represent?
> Then I just turned the climate control on, and the numbers changed into
> normal temprature. And when I turned it off, it's all back to normal.
> Any ideas? Thanks!
> Martin

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