quattro winter driving help....

Audimobiles at aol.com Audimobiles at aol.com
Wed Jan 17 14:21:37 EST 2001

Here's the situation - pulling out into a paved ice/snow covered alley, I 
entered the alley turning right. At about half way into the turn my car slid 
out into the alley and then as I turned the steering wheel more to the right 
the car began a "donut" sequence and ended up 45 degrees off-center befor I 
regained control. Note: After I regained control, the rest of the alley was a 
piece of cake. Crude diagram below.
          <_______________                 <______________
Before >---------- / -------------     after      >----------- \  ---------
                   car(rear)                                    car(front)
The car: '90 V8 Quattro (tor*en diff.) w/ R rated all-season tires. Is there 
anything I could've done to prevent the donut? Some might say, "slow down", 
but I really was going quite slow. I've never had the pleasure of driving a 
quattro in the winter months and was just hoping to improve my quattroing 

    Dave Farrer
    1990 V8q

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