5k exhaust manifold

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Wed Jan 17 14:33:19 EST 2001

in a word... NO

the best replacement is about 800$ and thats the 2piece EM from Audi that
was a REPLACEMENT item only on the later 5k's and 200's, they were never
installed in the factory.  might as well just stick to the stock EM, make
sure you replace the right side motor mount as thats most likely the reason
your EM cracked....

-----Original Message-----
From: William M. Lockwood-III [mailto:wlockwoo at zoo.uvm.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:23 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: 5k exhaust manifold

My exhaust manifold is cracked... what are my options for turbo headers
and are they worth the money?


88 5ktq

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