no flames please, power steering question

Peter & Rebecca Lines rplines at
Wed Jan 17 17:17:01 EST 2001

I agree with Huw on this one...
If you simply disable a P/S setup, it is usually pretty hard to steer.  There is typically a "faster" ratio
built into the rack (fewer lock to lock turns of the steering wheel) because the power assist will allow the
designer to do so without excessively heavy steering effort.  The manual rack will be typically geared
"slower" and will need less effort.
On my '86 4kq, I simply took the P/S pump belt off for a couple of days to try it out.  It had great feel at
speed, but too heavy for normal everyday driving.  I ended up putting the belt back on.  Don't try this if 
you have combination steering/ braking assist system.
I am currently trying to figure out how to reduce the pump pressure.  I have a spare pump that I am
looking at.  I'm thinking about modifying the pressure relief valve a bit.  The pump is listed at 75 bar,
maybe around 50 would feel right.  Anybody ever try something like this???
I have a friend with a Peugeot 405Mi16 race car.  It has an electric power steering pump.  Normally, it
is switched off, but when the car enters the pits (or the driver gets tired!) it gets switched on and the
steering is very light.  This may be an option if you want to get creative.

-Peter Lines

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