wide wheels with rather narrow tires

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at home.com
Wed Jan 17 20:50:16 EST 2001

This again relies on the manufacturers spec for a particular tire. There are
tires spec'd for just that application with the rim extended out over the
contact patch. If it's built to perform that way - it will.

A retailer is just that. They sell tires and have experience doing so - they
don't engineer them. Their advice and opinion is based on experience, not
fact nor always design spec. Experience is always biased toward what sells
the most. What drives sales? The consumer. Experience is not always the best


Peter Berrevoets
1990 200TQ
Toronto, Canada

Try to avoid taking anything for granted - or accepting blindly at face

> >
> >TireRack recommendation, Rim 85-90% of tire width for best
> >performance.
> >So when the rim is wider than the contact patch, itsa no good.
> >

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