getting ready for the track [long]
Richard J. Andrews
tech at
Thu Jan 18 01:24:14 EST 2001
At 10:49 AM 1/16/01, you wrote:
>Hey all!
> 3. Is there something I can do with the fluid in the transmission
>that will make it more amenable to high temperature? I drove my Q, when
>it was stock, at the track once several years ago and it became very
>grouchy and hard to shift by the end of the day.
i use redline shockproof in my q with awesome results...
check there website
> 4. I'm using a 20w-50 Castrol in the engine now. (My mechanic put
>in Havoline but I could swear it made the engine tappier so I drained it
>out and replaced it.) Do you like the Castrol 20w-50 for high-temp
>lubrication? Is there another weight/brand you prefer? Or does anyone use
>a synthetic?
i used to only run castrol 20/50 but now i'm sticking with synthetic and
running mobil 1 15w50....
car runs better with the synthetic..
any oil leak you have will probably increase though... keep this in mind
i did the synthetic switch when i changed everything (including engine)
not a drip of oil leaks. :)
> 5. Would it be reasonable to unbolt the back seat and remove it
>from the car to get rid of weight, or would this negatively affect weight
>distribution? Any other weight ideas aside from the obvious spare tire,
>etc.? I don't want to strip the car because I use it to haul my dogs and
>equipment around for agility practice on the weekends.
I would worry more about relocating the battery to the rear and possibly
A/C removal for weight improvements..
> 6. I have an annoying problem I need to fix first: after driving
>at consistent high speed on the highway, the brake pedal becomes stiff and
>I find it beginning to descend to the floor (braking the car). My
>mechanic wonders if this is a fault of the ABS. Is there anything I can
>do to diagnose and fix this problem myself? It is not a stuck caliper ...
>nothing related to the brakes themselves.
Definately sounds like a bad Master cylinder..
how hot are the wheels after this happens?
'86 4kq
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