Air metering valve - MC-2 at at
Thu Jan 18 10:31:30 EST 2001

>>It's not - it's a new plunger and shim set for the system pressure
>>regulator in the earlier metering head.

>>I get my supplies from the local Bosch agent.

> I'm actually dealing with an MC-1 metering head here. Thanks for the
> information. Are the Bosch people amenable to selling this stuff to
> the general public, or do you have to be blessed in some way? If not,
> would you be interested in brokering a deal for the appropriate parts
> for a suitable commission?

I can get diaphragms reasonably easily - I have one in stock.  The
Bosch O-rings are a problem - I have the dimensions somewhere.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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