Greatest Driving Moments..........

joel nevin joelnevin at
Thu Jan 18 10:28:51 EST 2001

--- Robert Myers <rmyers at> wrote:

> him.  The last I saw of him he was still trying to
> get back to the 
> highway.  :-)
> Bob

Reminds me of a time up in Burlington Vt(college
days), just after a good nor'easter blows thru my
friends and I would hook up a dual ski tow rope to the
back of my 4kQ and they would put on some 5 dollar
"rock" ski's and I would drag them all thru the
streets in about 6-8" of snow. 
The best part was when the cops would try to catch us,
all we'd do was find the nearest unplowed hill and
head up it. Of course the cops would try to follow and
get stuck a few feet up the hill and have to back

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