Clutch replacement time

Bill Rowe browe58 at
Thu Jan 18 18:56:01 EST 2001

not bad :)

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Don M
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:04 PM
To: Quattro (E-mail)
Subject: Clutch replacement time

Wed, 17 Jan 2001 Alexander van Gerbig

> I don't know how anyone replaces a clutch or drops a trans with a car on
> ramps?  Isn't that hard to do with the car on a serious angle, or am I
> missing something here?

Na...I used ramps before I bought the lift but you do need extra hands.
On a coupe (fwd CGT) it's actually one of the easiest jobs to do albeit time

> It's a big job, soak the exhaust bolts big time, coke and WD40 worked for

So this is where I've been going wrong...coke.  I've been using beer but I
running out.  I guess a powdery substance like coke might work better.  So
do you do mix it into a paste using the WD40 then apply? <insert genuine
audifans smiley>


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