[200q20v] Fading Brakes when wet What are the Options

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 18 19:59:04 EST 2001

Hi Grant;

I've noticed over the past few years that initial brake response is very
poor after driving in winter salty, slushy conditions if I haven't used the
brakes for an hour or so. After leaving the car sit all day after a salty
drive, there is no brake response for 5 seconds after application - it feels
like the pads are greased. Returning response is exponential as the mystery
substance wears off. I suspect whatever it is they are using instead of salt
on the highways - I've only noticed this phenomena in the last 3 years or so
on both my 200q and my S4.
In my case, summer wet weather driving does not cause the response problems
winter salt slush driving does.

Fred Munro
'94 S4 121k km

----- Original Message -----
From: "Grant Eckfeldt" <eckfeldtg at snet.net>
To: "Quattro List (E-mail)" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: [200q20v] Fading Brakes when wet What are the Options

> My wife has been complaining about the 91 not having good brakes in the
> slushy weather lately that we have been having in the NE. We put new pads,
> nothing special, in last summer. She says that the first time she hits the
> brakes they don't grab and if she pumps them once then they are fine. She
> only has to pump when it is wet as they grab fine when dry. I know that
> stock system, UFO, is known to be poor when wet.
> I don't want to do a brake upgrade (BIRA or ...) unless it is cost
> effective, I but would like to improve the braking for her. I don't think
> BIRA has found a rotor that works yet without changing the struts to an S4
> type. The rotors haven't been turned or replaced since I bought the car,
> 99K, and it is at about 200K. What are the options? UFO replacements? Are
> these available slotted? Are there better pads? What is the optimum
> for getting improved braking when the roads are wet?
> Grant Eckfeldt
> '87 5KCSTQ
> '91 200QW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com] On
> Behalf Of Beer, Jerald
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 11:36 AM
> To: 'steve.scalmanini at agilent.com'
> Cc: Quattro List (E-mail)
> Subject: FW: [200q20v] Re: 200q20v mileage
> Steve
>   93 octane only, although not always name brand gas. Tires are Conti
> 225-55/16 on A4 rims (recently replaced with 16x8 UrS4 5 spoke courtesy of
> Charlie Smith). Tire pressure between 34 and 36. Tires are very round and
> reasonably soft- these are NOT high performance tires. Note my city
> is fine- 16-18 hard driving,, 20-21 easy/little boost in mixed
> so I would think O2 is still doing OK. Track mileage is 8-10.
>  Just seems that @ 3k rpm car is looking 6th gear. South Florida is pretty
> flat, but traffic is often heavy, especially on I-95. HTH
> Regards,
> Jerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: steve_scalmanini at agilent.com [mailto:steve_scalmanini at agilent.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 11:27 AM
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Cc: jbeer at boosecasey.com; pjrose at frontiernet.net
> Subject: RE: [200q20v] Re: 200q20v mileage
> It's crucial what octane and tire pressure you were running.
> Numbers please?
> PS: If I can't get mid 20s MPG at highway speeds on 91 octane
> and 38 psi any longer, is O2 sensor probably dead?  ' anyone know
> how to test it?

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