Greatest Driving Moments

Rave Racer Ravewar at
Fri Jan 19 05:29:31 EST 2001

        While I lived in Florida I would some times visit a VW tuner club
with a buddy of mine who drove a Cammed 1.8 8V.  One night we raced down
I-95.  Obviously I beat him onto the highway.  Constant stoplights meant
that the accelerator won in the city, but once onto the highway, my car
topped out at 160 while he continued on towards 180+.  Some of it has to do
with  gearing.  Mine had low range gears due to the Turbo deisel swap.
These gears gave me extreme acceleration to 90 Km/h considering the
condition of the car.  His car had a cam geared towards high end.  This
enabled him to wind out at the top gear.  This theoretically could enable
the engine to run all the way up to 200Km/h.  The secret to the GTX is it's
acceleration out of the corners.

----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence C Leung <l.leung at>
To: <Ravewar at>
Cc: <clarkeg at>; <Steadi at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: Greatest Driving Moments

> Hmmmm. That's surprising. Once, while out playing with my friend in his
> '84 Rabbit (A1 Golf) GTi (90+ US HP due to mods) I got my '85 A2 Golf GTi
> 1.8 liter 8V to 181 km/hr, he said his GTi quit at 168 km/hr which I've
> duplicated in his car several times. The interesting thing was it was
> still pulling when I quit, cuz I had to make a turn into a park. (Uh,
> didn't make the turn. Had to go WELL past it in order to stop. Ahhh,
> youthful enthusiasm , re: stupidity). He also said I disappeared from him
> like he was standing still. I know that my GTi fairly easily gets to 161+
> km/hr (done numbers of times), MUCH more easily than my old 4KQ, though
> nowhere near as easily as my 200Q (yeah, big surprise, eh?). Never had
> the room, nor real interest to try a full on top end test again, tho I've
> gottn it up over a 174 km/hr several times since. What surpises me is how
> little the 1.8 L 16V gains in top end, considering the 23 HP boost, and
> relatively (0.35 Cd (Jetta GLi) vs 0.42 Cd Rabbit) "aerodynamic" shape of
> these mid-eighties cars.
> LL - NY
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 08:02:29 -0500 "Rave Racer" <Ravewar at>
> writes:
> >
> >        My 89 Jetta 1.8L 16V did 185 Km/h before the Tranny went,

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