84 4KQ Injection help needed.

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Sat Jan 20 02:23:25 EST 2001

definitely sounds like air leak. It can be intermittent or constant. Remove 
every hose from air-flow sensor to the manifold and check for cracks/leaks. 
The cracks can be hard to find until you take off the hose and look at the 
bottom and under the clamps. My car would die sometimes when coming to a 
stop and then stopped running at all when the hose on my turbo cracked. It 
had been that way for a while prolly, it just came apart under the clamps 
cuz of age and oil. Also check for ignition coil connections. good luck.


At 09:11 PM 1/19/2001 , you wrote:
>I am seeking any input to possible problems on a family members 84 4kq.
>She had just left work (car started fine and ran great) and after driving 
>it a few blocks (running great) it suddenly devoloped a problem.  It would 
>barely idle and would not rev up.  She called me and I came right 
>over.  It would barely idle as before and seemed to be running lean. So I 
>unsnaped the airbox snaps and tried assisting the airflow sensor with my 
>finger and was able to verify that it was definatly running quite lean.
>   Decided to have it towed home and did some further testing.
>I initially thought that the fuel pump was bad, so I tested system 
>pressure according to Bob (Mr. Bentley and I have gotten close lately) and 
>the pump passed.
>Next test I thought of was to check the current through the DPR and 
>checked my perfectly good running car for a comparison. Test OK.
>   I need to get in and see if I can find anything more Bob has to say 
> about the problem or suggested tests, but I wanted to get the request out 
> to the list asap.
>   TIA
>Dave G
>verified the result spulled off the

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