full size spare type44 trunk floor cover FS

JordanVw at aol.com JordanVw at aol.com
Sat Jan 20 14:09:42 EST 2001

speaking of spares, i still have the full size spare trunk floor cover for 
the type44, its specially molded to accomodate a full size spare on any 
type44 from 84-91  no trunk space lost.  this is a OEM part, used on early 
'86 5kTQ's but fits all 84-'91 5k/ 100/200

all of you running bigger wheels on your type 44's should think about running 
a full size spare..i am running 16" wheels on my '86 5kT and i have a full 
size spare.  the little donut wouldnt be safe. 
'86 5kT w/ 16" A4 wheels and full size spare
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