84 4KQ Injection help needed.

David Glubrecht daveglu at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 20 18:06:46 EST 2001

Well if I just want it to idle, I only apply a little pressure on the
airflow plate, but If I want it to rev up, I have to open the throttle plate
while applieing pressure.  If you apply too much pressure for a given
throttle setting it will be too rich to run and if too little to lean.  Just
a balance and only for testing. Mostly making sure that the engine is
getting enough fuel.  I have also used this method to start cars that are
difficult to start, kinda like a manual choke.

> Ameer Antar wrote:
> >
> > allowing more fuel to the injectors....
> >
> > -ameer
> >
> > At 12:49 PM 1/20/2001 , you wrote:
> > >What are you doing with the throttle plate while you're lifting the
> > >plate?
> no... he means what are you doing to the plate that controls the amount
> of air going into the engine, in the throttle body, when you lift the
> plate that controls the amount of fuel going into the engine?
> Anything?  leaving it at rest/idle?...
> --
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com
> http://www.humanthoughts.org

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