Looking for 91 200 engine.

Brett Dikeman quattro at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Sat Jan 20 23:18:18 EST 2001

At 7:42 PM -0600 1/20/01, Rob Andrews wrote:
>Any leads send them my way.
>Engine must be able to run.  I'll even take a car with it if it's reasonably
>cheap :)

No such thing, if you're talking about a 200q20v.  They're worth 
upwards of $10k or more in excellent condition and low mileage; don't 
be fooled by KBB values*.  The wagons are worth more and even rarer. 
You'll make a lot of people very upset if you destroy a 200q20v to 
put one in another car, if that's what your considering; it's sort of 
like cutting up a painting just because you want a nice postcard. 
Sure, you've got a great postcard, but you destroyed a nice painting.

A rebuilt engine is probably worth about $3k(or more) in the US.  In 
the UK?  Phil says $3k+ just for the head for a 20v turbo engine(he 
was speaking of the AAN variety.)

*However, many 200q20v's, when up for sale, are abused, or the owner 
doesn't know how rare the car is(and thus prices it far too low) 
and/or in need of lots of little repairs, and such cars are available 
for(and arguably worth) much lower; I've see $5-7k, $5k being for 
cars that are in pretty tough, beat up shape.  Sometimes the car goes 
to auction because a dealership can't sell the car for what it's 
truly worth; then it goes to auction, nobody knows what it is, and it 
goes for some lowball price, etc.
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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