Looking for 91 200 engine.

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at nwonline.net
Sun Jan 21 09:09:40 EST 2001

Last year I drove a 1991 4 door stick shift quattro with a 20 valve engine, 
non-turbo, on a small chassis. The car was put up for sale locally. It was 
at 180k miles and was red with a black leather/graphite interior. I only 
had 30 minutes to test drive the car with the owner, after dark. They were 
showing it to another potential buyer by appointment as soon as I got out. 
I let the car go because it really didn't compare in some important ways to 
my 87 5ktq.

It was a  model 90 with the naturally aspirated 20 valve engine. KBB has it 
on its used car list at about $3k as a trade-in in good condition.

They do exist. I drove one. It wasn't that great compared to my turbo 
charged 1987 model 5000 running at a very modest 1.7 bar, using a Shrappnel 

Maybe you could adapt such an engine to accept a turbo, and have what you 
want, if you can't find a 200 donor. Just speculating and trying to help 
you consider some other options.

My 10 valve turbo is pretty amazing, IMO, in the way it moves my big 5000 
around. And it can be chipped and modified _far_ beyond where I have taken 
it, and there are lots of them around very cheap. It should be a good 
second place candidate for your purposes, if a 20 valve turbo engine 
doesn't turn up.


At 07:42 PM 1/20/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Any leads send them my way.
>Engine must be able to run.  I'll even take a car with it if it's reasonably
>cheap :)
>I need the whole setup and wiring harness as well.
>  --------------------------------------------
>Rob Andrews - Dell Home Sales Division
>1800-879-3355 ext 47218 Rob_Andrews at Dell.com
>randrews at austin.rr.com  ICQ # 4385114
>99 A42.8QS... http://home.austin.rr.com/robsquattro

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