[urq] Audis as Collectibles (Long)

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Jan 21 14:36:02 EST 2001

Have you any pics of the Juniors?


On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 22:05:14 -0500 "Steve Sears"
<steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca> writes:
>Well, as I am already involved in collecting Auto Union products....I 
>thought I'd enter the fray,  [major snippage]
>My 2c rant
>Steve Sears
>1987 5ktq
>1980 5k
>1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes - Purchase values 
>(unrestored condition): U$455 and U$300 - and probably more rare than 
>most of the cars you see at a cruise-in.

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