Excellent write-up on headlights etc

Dave Aukerman aukdav at wcoil.com
Sun Jan 21 23:02:58 EST 2001

Bucket are upside down, lights are right side up.  I know the car/previous
owner and they are quite good and no glare.  Now if you turn a set of Audi
buckets upside down the result may be completely different.  They rival my
reverse engineered Euro quads in my 200tqw, that is until he hits the pie
plates. (9" Hella Rally2000's)(Day-maker indeed)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lawrence C Leung" <l.leung at juno.com>
To: <paanta at yahoo.com>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Excellent write-up on headlights etc

> They can't be upside down or the glare to the left would be horrendous,
> and the bottom sides of trees would be beutifully lit, but there would be
> absolutely no light on the road surface. Distant objects would still be
> lit properly, however. (explaining the E-code LHD lighting pattern,
> inverted)
> LL - NY
> On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 13:38:01 -0500 Patrick Austin <paanta at yahoo.com>
> writes:
> >
> >FWIW, my 4KCSQ is running quad round E-code lights off of a BMW E30.
> >I'm
> >not entirely sure how the previous owner made 'em work, but from what
> >I can
> >see, the buckets just bolt in upside down.
> >
> >
> >At 12:39 PM 1/21/01 -0500, Kevin Phillips wrote:
> >>http://www.jag-lovers.org/books/xj-s/26-Lightmods.html
> >>
> >>There are also links to JC Whitney in here. Just find some early
> >quad
> >>brackets and your 4000, coupe and 5000 will be able to see again.
> >>
> >>
> >>Kevin Phillips
> >>Western Massachusetts
> >>1990 200q
> >>1995 900 SET
> >>Cell 413 519 9034
> >>
> >>
> > **************
> > Patrick Austin
> > paanta at bu.edu
> > (617)782-9115
> > **************
> >
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