Excellent write-up on headlights etc

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Mon Jan 22 10:54:06 EST 2001

Lawrence C Leung <l.leung at juno.com> wrote:

>They can't be upside down or the glare to the left would be horrendous,
>and the bottom sides of trees would be beutifully lit, but there would be
>absolutely no light on the road surface. Distant objects would still be
>lit properly, however. (explaining the E-code LHD lighting pattern,

Concur. And there's another thing- adjustment range on Audi headlights 
doesn't compensate for mounting upside down. You'd be searching for UFOs, 
not lighting up the roads. It surprises me that this is apparently not the 
case with BMW lights.

on Tom

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