HELP!!! Rear Diff Problem?

Jason Stone jason_r_stone at
Mon Jan 22 05:55:31 EST 2001

Thanks for that - I will crawl under the car

The clicking was happening immediately after being
dragged out of the ditch - i.e. no corners or speeds
yet.  So quite possibly it's a drive shaft/CV joint
making that noise??

Anyway - what does that lever/switch look like to
unlock the rear diff? is it external or internal??

'91 Audi S2
'97 GSXR600

> -----Original Message-----
> From: munrof 
> Sent: Montag, 22. Januar 2001 14:27
> To: jason.r.stone; quattro
> Cc: munrof
> Subject: Re: HELP!!! Rear Diff Problem?
> Hi Jason;
> If your diff won't unlock, it is usually because the
> lever mechanism on
> the diff is corroded. The vacuum system can pull the
lever to 
> lock the diff,
> but the return spring isn't strong enough to unlock
the diff. 
> Get under the
> car and manually move the lever into the "unlocked"
> Free up the
> mechanism while you are under there.
> The light goes out at 40 kph because the system is
> to automatically
> unlock the diff at that speed. If the lock lever is
> the light may go
> out (indicating the signal is sent to unlock the
diff) but 
> the diff may stay
> locked.
> If you are driving at 140 kph with a locked rear
diff you 
> will ruin the
> diff. The car is also unstable because, as you have
> turning with a
> locked rear diff causes one or both wheels to skid
around the 
> turn - the
> wheels want to rotate at different speeds as you
turn but the 
> locked rear
> diff keeps them rotating at the same speed. This is
why your car feels
> "nasty" when you turn.
> Get the diff unlocked before you drive the car. The
> noise may be
> due to diff damage - there's a lot of stress on a
locked diff 
> when turning
> at high speed.
> Good luck!
> Fred Munro
> '94 S4  122k km

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