Any opinions regarding 1982 5kt automatics? at at
Tue Jan 23 10:09:45 EST 2001

> Had an '83 non-turbo 5000. Loved the car and the ride, had no problem
> finding parts but...
> the engine started burning oil and after a while it was intolerable. Finally
> took it in and found (was told) that the cylinders had worn oval. Cost to
> repair made the car worthless.

> I was told that this was an Audi problem with these earlier 5 cylinder
> blocks. Truth or fiction I do not know, but the styling was good enough for
> ET's 'Mom' and I really would have liked to have kept it on the road.

It was a problem with the 2144cc engines when their owners didn't let
them warm through properly before thrashing them.  Really very common
on the JS, KG and WR engines.  On the later 2226cc and later hydraulic
lifter engines it's not nearly so common.  I often wonder if Audi made
any changes to water or oil circulation to speed warmup.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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