Oil Change

Todd Young tyoung at wamnet.com
Tue Jan 23 09:01:12 EST 2001

I've used GUNK Engine Flush for quite a few years with positive results
here in the "colonies".
It comes in a 1 quart can like the old oil cans, you dump it in on top
of your old oil. Run the engine for 15 minutes, dump the oil. Took 4 oil
changes for my engine to clean out, but I'm sure if I had done it Phil's
way, it would have taken less time. I'm not sure if the GUNK stuff would
work alone.

Christopher Ritchie wrote:
> Phil Payne wrote (in part):
> It's also a good idea to do a proper flush (not just the
> additive sort) every 100k or so.
> What's a "proper flush"?  Automotive chain stores usually sell cans of
> motor flush.  I always thought they were snake oil.  I also thought they
> could be dangerous to the bearings since I assumed it was some kind of
> solvent with no lubricating properties and no viscosity to prevent metal to
> metal contact.  So, how do I flush the lubricating system of an engine?
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Life's a beach. Dig your toes into the sand and enjoy.
Todd Young 		WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung at wamnet.com	655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg #A
651-256-5051		Eagan, MN 55121
800-585-1133 ext.5051	http://www.wamnet.com/
'93 Audi 90S (|___\====OOOO====/___|)

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