To what degree can cloning take place?

Ameer Antar ameer at
Tue Jan 23 18:11:57 EST 2001

The 5kT is a bit nicer than a 5k, but using a 5ks tranny on a turbo motor 
is risky, since the torque converters are rated for different HP. Also I 
think the gear ratio is different. If your talking about a 5-spd in the 
5ks, it will tough to swap, b/c the 5kT is for sure an auto tranny. You 
might be able to find a good used/rebuilt turbo tranny though. Master 
cylinders are $100 new OEM, and less for rebuilt.

I'm pretty sure the pumps are interchangeable, but the hydraulic system on 
Audi's can be expensive to repair, and most likely other parts of the 
system might need to be replaced like the bomb [$200], hoses [$80+each], 
maybe the rack [$250]...

Overall the 5ks might be easier to repair, but the 5kT is a little more fun 
and they usually had more features. Also either car could have other latent 
problems, so a good investigation is always a good idea. And you can always 
verify the engine is in shape by getting a compression tester. $20 is worth 
it, just to know...


At 03:36 PM 1/23/2001 , you wrote:
>Here I am again asking newbie questions.  I found a 1985 5ks with rebuilt
>tranny and engine.  It has been off the road though for a year or two due to
>leaking power steering pump.  I am going to look at a 1985 5kt with a
>rebuilt engine that also has been off the road for a couple of years and it
>has a leaking tranny and master cylinder. Both owners have grown tired of
>the wait. Will the non turbo be able to donate the tranny?  Or if the 5ks is
>overall better shape, will the 5kt be able to donate power steering pump?  I
>suppose some electricals and climate controls will be the same?  In other
>words can I make one good car out of two related cars?
>Thank you
>David 4kq

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