S2 ,S6 cheap performance Audis?

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Wed Jan 24 00:23:14 EST 2001

> Thanks for your recent reply on the above subject. I take it from your
> reply that you do not like the 20v turbo motors due to high cost of parts
> and given your examples of parts prices I totally agree.

I asked our chairman to take up the issue of 20V parts prices with Audi
but I'm pretty certain nothing happened - it's not the sort of issue
that worries him and he jealously guards the interface with Audi as his
own personal property.

> As you may know I defected from Audi to another brand as the cost of parts
> for my Ur was becoming unacceptable, even though I adored the car. So far
> my Camaro has provided similar performance, required next to no parts and
> the cost of parts is unbelievably cheap.

Sorry I couldn't persuade you to join the club.  Several people have
suggested that we form a club that's genuinely interested in making the
ur-quattro more accessible and affordable for 'real' owners, but I'm
afraid my activities in Germany are now taking up too much of my time.
I may become involved in the umbrella Audi owners group ('Dachverband')
in the near future.

> Could you recomend an Audi in the sub 6k GBP price bracket that would
> provide reasonable performance but more importantly 'bullet proof'
> reliability?

A late low-milage 200Q or 100TQ?

Yes, we've had a couple of V6s in the Club - our treasurer had one for a
while, but I think he's sold it.  hicklingpastures at netscapeonline.co.uk
if you want to ask him about it.

> I'd like to return to an Audi in the future but is there a car that would
> meet my requirements?

> Yours

> Simon Holtby

> '88 Camaro IROCZ 5.7 TPI

Sorry to see that line where thre used to be an ur-quattro.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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