interestin sighting

Audimobiles at Audimobiles at
Wed Jan 24 15:23:20 EST 2001

In a message dated 1/24/2001 1:56:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
ron_01056 at writes:

<<  And to Ti, Know that you saied it you were rite I
 didn't see any indentations on the 00 S4 looking rims,
 but I was very impressed anyways looked very "tight". >>
    It seems to me that in the original post you stated that you couldn't 
tell if the TT was a hardtop or vert. However, you did notice that the wheels 
were undimpled. I think a trip to the "eye doctor" is in order. :)

    Dave Farrer
    '90 V8Q

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