4KQ Starting Trouble?!? Yet Again I NEED Your Help!!

Ricky H. radmethod at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 25 02:18:14 EST 2001

Hello listers, first of all, I would like to thank you all on my Coupe GT 
rev limit problem.  It was the relay, and it was the one from the 4 cyl.  I 
replaced it and the car now runs better than ever.  NOW! My delema.  The 
crazy 87 4KQ w/super suspension is having starting trouble.  After the car 
sits for a long time, it will not start and is basically flooded!  FLOODED!! 
I'm more than sure!  The motor will just turn over and over without starting 
until the battery is dead.  The only way to sort of get it started is to pin 
the gas to the floor to let more air in to un-flood the plugs.  What is 
wrong with my car, how do I fix it? And how did this happen. Please help.  
Thank you, you guys are a blessing!

-Rick Heinlein
1987 4000CS Quattro w/super suspension
1986 GT Coupe in MINT bone stock condiion!
"The Audi 4000CS Quattro... a suspension so over built that Audi never built 
it again!"

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