Contemplating a 2nd Audi for Me

Mullen, Shaun mullens at
Thu Jan 25 09:32:40 EST 2001


I put 217k on my '92 100CSQW and had no major problems.  Neither have I
heard of major problems from other owners on this list or elsewhere.  You
need to make sure the car is what it seems to be.  The easiest way is to go
back to the dealer, copy the VIN number and then submit it to CarFax at this

Unless you go off road, I doubt that you'll miss your Range Rover.

Shaun Mullen
Yorklyn, DE

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Tomsaudi at [SMTP:Tomsaudi at]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 25, 2001 1:38 AM
> To:	quattro at
> Subject:	Contemplating a 2nd Audi for Me
> I'm finding myself in a bit of a bind, so please advise. A year ago, I
> bought 
> my first Audi, a 1995 90. I loved driving the car, and it was working out 
> perfectly as my wife and I worked at the same company. Feeling the need
> for a 
> second car, something I could use in any weather, and to haul stuff in, I 
> bought a 1989 Range Rover. I would only use it sparingly as a second car,
> I 
> had thought. 
> Well, due to powers beyond my control, I was laid off (yes, it was at an 
> Internet company). And so I took on another job, with the Range Rover as
> my 
> daily driver now, not the Audi. I had never intended the Range Rover for
> this 
> duty. My commute is not twice the distance it once was, and I estimate I
> now 
> spend at least $8 in gas alone to get to work and back. When I got my gas 
> bill in the mail I nearly passed out. I knew then I needed  a car with
> better 
> gas mileage, but I still wanted room to haul stuff, and all wheel drive.
> Luckily, just down the road from where I work is a 1992 Audi 100CS Quattro
> wagon for sale at a reputable European car specialist. She is dark green 
> metallic with dark tan hides, with the works. Mileage is 79k miles. I had
> a 
> quick look at her today, and she seemed to be in very good shape. My
> question 
> to you guys, is what should I be looking at?
> We have had such great luck with our 90 I have no reservations about
> buying a 
> 100. And yes, the car does have a warranty. I might miss my Range Rover,
> but 
> being in an Audi Quattro is just as reassuring, not to mention I get ABS
> and 
> an airbag to boot. I appreciate ant advice you have to offer to this 
> certified Audi nut.
> Tom
> 1995 Audi 90
> 1992 Audi 100CS Quattro Avant?

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