Death of Eurolight

Craig D. Niederst niederst at
Thu Jan 25 14:08:31 EST 2001

Why not just fill the hole with some clear 2 component epoxy? I did this in
the past with a Nissan Maxima I had, and it held for over 2 years (until I
sold the car, probably still OK to this day). Only costs a couple of bucks,
and is a more permanent solution than clear tape until you can get another
lens. HTH.

'92 100S (91k)
'86 CGT (195k)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander van Gerbig" <Audi_80 at>
To: "Per Lindgren" <lindgre at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Death of Eurolight

>     I checked with the dealership yesterday to see if they use the same
> on the Cabriolet, which in the US now has RS2 ellipsoid lights.  But alas,
> the dealership lists a different P/N for the lens, probably DOT spec and
> cruddy.  I taped up the hole with 2 clear piece of tape to seal it, works
> fine as I can tell.  I'll look to get the lens from a friend in Germany,
> sigh...
> Thanks!
> Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80
> The Audi  80 Pages-----------------
> North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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