Quattro generations (was: Miata Torsen)

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at home.com
Fri Jan 26 09:06:21 EST 2001

Well it would seem that there is some inconsistency in the Bentley and in
The Family Album.

In the Bentley, Illustration 39-1254 show clearyly that for[ All Wheel Drive
016 section 39-240-2] item 10 is a "Torsen Differential" this is in a
lockable rear diff in the 1989-90 100,200 specifically referring to the 200

A few pages later, illustration 39-804 also referring to [ All Wheel Drive
016 section 39-290-1] shows a standard side/pinion gear differential.

There is absolutely no reference to which specific build date ir
identification codes that this comes with. Indeed the only visible
difference would appear to be the final drive assenbly, that being the
pinion/side gear housing which in limited slip form is replaced with a
torsen unit.

The family album shows only the AAT in non-limited slip form and it's
reference to the limited slip diff shows the AAT, but again the AAT is in
two forms. Part number 017 500 040 D has been superceded by 017 500 044 J
for this AAT rear diff but does not indicate wether or not it is limited

Family album for the V8 shows 5 varieties of rear diff, all limited slip all
starting with 017 400 0 and ending with 43 S, 43 T, 43 K (long WB) also
modified by "green" and "yellow" with separate listings on the same page for
manual and autobox applications.

It would seem to me that to have a non-torsen differential in the rear of a
quattro you are going to have a problem when both fronts and one rear wheel
are on glare ice with the other rear having traction. I can't remember
experiencing any wierd behaviour in this situation although I know that I
have been through this driving up a steep snowy hill. If my theory is
correct you would have three wheels spinning and no drive to the wheel with

Anyway, I think that if the vehicle in question is listed as having an AAT
limited slip rear in the vehicle ident chart from the trunk, you have a
torsen rear diff.
Peter Berrevoets
Mysys Ltd.
peterb at mysysltd.com

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